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Visiting Professor Uni Münster: Lecture with Kordula Schulze
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YOGYAKARTA (30/05/2022) - The visiting professor program has been carried out by UNY as part of UNY's commitment to sustainable development goals and as support for the Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) program of the Ministry of Education Culture Research and Technology regarding World Class Professor (WCP) activities. In this case, the German Language Education study program at the Faculty of Language Arts and Culture invited professors from abroad to give lectures and this collaboration was carried out with the University of Münster Germany.
Kordula Schulze from Germany who is a professor from the University of Münster was given the opportunity to lecture eight times at the UNY German Language Education Study Program, accompanied by one of the lecturers, Prof. Dr. Sulis Triyono. One of the materials presented by Kordula Schulze was about Überregionale Reiseleitung. Schulze considers that this course is an excellent course because it aims to provide additional skills and competencies for German Language Education Study Program students who have the main competence as German language teachers. One of the additional skills taught is being a German-speaking tour guide. This course is also very popular with students of the University of Münster who transfer credits to the German Language Education Study Program at UNY. The current cooperation between UNY and the University of Münster Germany through the MoU signed by the Rector has entered its third year and lasts until 2026. One of the collaborations is the credit transfer program for scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Bonn through the Internationale Studien und Ausbildungspartnerschaften (ISAP) program.
The process carried out by UNY for visiting professor activities is the provision of adequate facilities and lecture facilities to facilitate students in learning German as one of the international languages. This includes the availability of German published books donated by DAAD and Goethe Institut, as well as German learning DVDs that are not available online. The impact of this activity is that students can hone their skills in learning each other's language and culture, and have the opportunity to become competent German teachers in schools. (Astri)
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