Internship (Practicum/ Industry)



Tourism Internship at Surya Perkasa Tour & Travel: Insights and Experiences in the Travel Services Industry

Name : Chayyu Zalena Hawie

Internship Place : Surya Perkasa Tour and Travel

Date : December 19, 2022-January 19, 2023

Tourismuspraktikum or tourism internship is a practical course that must be followed by German Language Education students, especially those who choose a concentration or specialization in tourism. In carrying out tourism internships, students are given the opportunity to learn, add insight and experience the reality of the world of work in certain agencies. One of the agencies engaged in tourism is Surya Perkasa Tour & Travel, a travel service agency located in Yogyakarta. The travel service bureau helps clients to arrange travel plans in the form of agency visits/industrial visits and study tours. 

Surya Perkasa Tour has several tour packages to help agencies, campuses, families, and schools in Outbound, Gathering, MICE, family trips within and outside the country. As a company engaged in the field of travel services, Surya Perkasa also facilitates reservations outside the package both lodging (hotels and guesthouses), airline tickets, trains, car rentals and personnel: tours that will always provide maximum service. As a company engaged in travel services, Surya Perkasa also facilitates out-of-package reservations for lodging (hotels and guesthouses), airline tickets, trains, car rentals and personnel: tours that will always provide maximum service.

Preparation began with a survey and questions to one of the Super Tour staff. Before the internship begins, there is a briefing from the organization's seniors who are always willing to help the interns. Briefings are carried out in the form of a kind of orientation or introduction to the company and what is done in the company. After that, the author prepared the equipment needed for the internship, namely a laptop. After the briefing, the interns were given their respective tasks and were invited to immediately start the internship in accordance with the jobdesk that had been given.

At the end of the internship, there was also an evaluation carried out by the interns and seniors in order to continue to improve the quality and review the interns' experience that had been gained during the internship. Overall, internship activities at Surya Perkasa Tour and Travel were carried out for 1 (one) month.


Field Work Practice at Denpasar City Tourism Office: Gaining Insights into Professional Work Standards and Career Path Preparation

Name : Taufiq Hidayat

Place of Internship : Denpasar City Tourism Office

Date : January 2, 2023 - January 31, 2023

In Field Work Practice or Internship activities, someone will have the opportunity to apply all the knowledge you have learned in college and learn details about the ins and outs of professional work standards. This experience then becomes a provision in undergoing a real career path. The author in this case has carried out these activities at the Denpasar City Tourism Office which is located at Graha Sewaka Dharma jl Majapahit No.1, Duah Puri Kaja, North Denpasar District, Denpasar City. The author began carrying out Field Work Practices in the period January 2, 2023 - January 31, 2023.

The most dominant thing in the organizational aspect is the support of planning apparatus resources, facilities, and infrastructure which are expected to move all government management functions in the Tourism sector which includes the Destination Development sector, Marketing sector, Tourism Industry sector, General, and Tourism Resources sector. While carrying out On The Job Training, the author was placed in the Destination Development sector which carried out several tasks, some of which were: 1)    Preparing operational plans within the Tourism Destination Development Division based on the Tourism Office program plan and leadership instructions as guidelines for carrying out tasks. 2) Distribute tasks to Section Heads within the Tourism Destination Development Division in accordance with the main tasks and responsibilities set so that the assigned tasks can be carried out effectively and efficiently. 3) Provide instructions for carrying out tasks to Section Heads within the Tourism Destination Development Division in accordance with applicable regulations and procedures so that there are no errors in carrying out tasks. 

With this Field Work Practice, the author can find out firsthand the situation at the Denpasar City Tourism Office. The author can find out how to do it, the situation and also feel the weight of work that will be faced someday. The author also knows the duties and responsibilities of a staff employee of the Denpasar City Tourism Office, and will also be familiar with good attitudes and behavior and must be instilled in the author, as a provision for later in the world of work. So that the Field Work Practice activities at the Denpasar City Tourism Office, provide experience and benefits to the author in understanding and knowing more about the activities carried out by the Denpasar City Tourism Office which are not obtained in lectures.


Internship Experience at Yogyakarta Batik Museum: Gaining Practical Insights into the Industry and Work Environment

Name : Fauza Bulqois Lubis

Internship Place : Yogyakarta Batik Museum

Date : November 7-December 7, 202

Activity Report :

Internship or Work Practice is a form of learning activity that provides insight and practical experience to students regarding real activities in  the dunia industri, dunia usaha, dan dunia kerja (IDUKA) (not in educational units) which is carried out for 30 days (equivalent to 2 SKS). Internship activities are carried out for one semester from November 7 to December 7, 2022. This activity was carried out at the Yogyakarta Batik Museum. Yogyakarta Batik Museum is the first and most complete batik museum in Yogyakarta in 1973 and was inaugurated in 1979. Yogyakarta Batik Museum is located at Jl. Dr. Sutomo 13A. 

The Yogyakarta Batik Museum is open to opportunities for cooperation and goodwill to promote and preserve batik. With the establishment of batik as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2001 and the appointment of Yogyakarta as a Batik City by WCC in 2014, Yogyakarta Batik Museum supports efforts to preserve authentic batik. In the implementation of the internship at Yogyakarta Batik Museum, the interns have several core activities and training, namely: 

Guiding the museum tour.

Learning to make batik.

Taking care of the museum administration.

Picketing and other activities.

Despite many pressures and obstacles, through this internship, participants gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience that certainly could not be obtained through lecture activities. Through this activity, interns can also increase competence not only in the academic field, but also in the non-academic field and can support department programs and can also mean that students can also gain knowledge from various other useful activities, not only from lecture activities in general. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the internship activities at the Yogyakarta Batik Museum have been carried out well. 


Journey to Professional Guiding: Insights from Sonobudoyo Museum Internship

Name : Ade Puspa Fitria

Internship Place : Sonobudoyo Museum

Date : November 10, 2022-December 10, 2022

Through internships, students are expected to apply the knowledge gained into a real work environment and gain as much experience and opportunity as possible to develop ways of thinking, add useful insights in a period of approximately 1 month through the tasks assigned. The students carry out internships at Sonobudoyo Museum Unit 1 which is located on Jalan Pangurakan No.6, Ngupasan, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta Special Region, next to the North Square of the Yogyakarta Palace. Practitioners are placed in the Sonobudoyo Museum guiding section, in charge of explaining about the collections and relics in the museum, both to local and foreign tourists. This field is relevant to the course taken, namely Tourismus.

Before practicing guiding, it is necessary to conduct training to find out historical information about each collection on display at Sonobudoyo Museum, so that when practicing guiding students can tell interesting and informative stories. Coordination with a very good supervisor will support guiding activities, so that any problems or questions about guiding material can be resolved and answered properly.

Some of the tasks obtained by students during the internship include: 1) Being a tour guide, 2) guarding several sections in the New Exhibition Building, 3) assisting staff who are on duty in the Performance section which usually takes place from 19.00 to 21.30 WIB. In the final stage of the internship, the author was tested by the supervisor for a grade. The internship test was carried out by conducting a guide in one of the rooms, some explanations using Indonesian and others using English. After the assessment, the supervisor evaluates the guiding that has been carried out.

Practicing students must prepare themselves both mentally and intellectually to become professional guides. Through the internship program in the field of tourism, practicing students gain additional knowledge about the world of guiding in museums, experience and skills in dealing with different visitors, experience and skills to become a guide in the museum, and foster confidence to become a professional guide. 

The internship program for the Tourismuspraktikum course at Sonobudoyo Museum went quite well and smoothly. This is supported by the good relationship that exists between supervisors, fellow interns, and staff with students, as well as all parties who have helped.


Internship Experience at Yogyakarta Batik Museum: Bridging Academic Learning with Real-World Application

Name : Sandra Kusmawati

Internship Place : Yogyakarta Batik Museum

Date : November 7, 2022 - 19 Desember, 2022

Activity Report : 

Internship or Work Practices are a form of learning activity that provide students with insights and practical experience regarding activities in the industrial world, the business world and the world of work (IDUKA). The work practice program aims to provide opportunities for students to get to know the world of which can later be used for professional development. Through the Tourismuspraktikum course, students are required to carry out an internship program for one month with a total of two credits (2 SKS). As interns, students carry out work practices at the Yogyakarta Batik Museum located at Jalan Doktor Sutomo No.13A, Bausasran. Regarding the distribution of internship tasks, students are placed in the guiding section of the Yogyakarta Batik Museum, which is mainly assigned to guide museum tours and assist the Batik Workshop program at the museum. The categories of visitors guided by students are local and foreign tourists.  

With the establishment of batik in 2001 as world cultural heritage by UNESCO as well as the inauguration of Yogyakarta as 'Batik City' by the WCC in 2014, Yogyakarta Batik Museum plays an important role in supporting batik in 2014, the Yogyakarta Batik Museum plays an important role in supporting the efforts as well as action campaigns for the preservation of authentic batik. 

Interns at Yogyakarta Batik Museum are usually directed to participate in several museum activities. For the initial stage, interns are first introduced to the ins and outs of the museum's atmosphere and activities.

At Yogyakarta Batik Museum, visitors are presented with two great activity options: a museum tour and a batik creation workshop. The principal tasks to be performed are based on the main program offered. Occasionally, interns are also given additional tasks.

  1.  Guiding Museum Tours 
  2. Workshop on Batik Creation
  3. Museum Picketing
  4. Translating photo captions

The skills trained at Yogyakarta Batik Museum include communication skills, especially those related to guiding techniques, as well as basic knowledge related to museum management. Interns are even given easy access to learn how to make batik. As a bonus, at the end of the internship, participants receive a certificate for their dedication.



Internship Experience at Sonobudoyo Museum: Bridging Theory with Practical Application in Tourism Education

Name : Jihan Afifah Syafitri

Internship Place : Sonobudoyo Museum

Date : Oktober11, 2022 - 11 November, 2022

Internship activities are part of job training for students who have first learned the theories and then apply the theories obtained and learned by carrying out work within a certain period of time. This internship also helps students to be better prepared to face the real world of work and improve the quality of human resources in the right knowledge, ability to work, and good attitude. The German Education department requires each student to complete an internship at a government or commercial institution as one of the requirements that must be met to complete the Tourismuspraktikum course and the Übersetzsung or Translation course. Interns carry out the internship at Sonobudoyo Museum Unit 1 which is located at Jalan Pangurakan No.6, Ngupasan, Gondomanan District, Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta Special Region. Interns was placed in the Sonobudoyo Museum's guiding department, tasked with explaining the collections and relics in the museum, both to local and foreign tourists. This field is relevant to the course taken, namely Tourismus.

The city of Yogyakarta still bears the title as a city of culture and the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate Palace as a symbol of the preservation of Javanese culture. Sonobudoyo Museum as a quote "Lorong" the search for tradition and culture is a magnet in revealing the cultural traditions of people's lives (including Javanese society), from the time before the existence of writing to the time of high civilization. 

At Sonobudoyo Museum, tourists can find interesting collections related to Indonesian culture, as well as collections from pre-history to the entry of Islam into Indonesia. Visitors can also get to know more about Indonesian culture and history by visiting this museum, so it is very suitable if Sonobudoyo Museum is dubbed as an area of Indonesian cultural heritage attractions. There are various collections of rare items and culture that are shown to be enjoyed by visitors who come, such as keris from various regions in the archipelago, batik cloth, puppets, to prehistoric objects and cultural performances of shadow puppets in the Sonobudoyo Museum area.

After conducting an internship which was carried out for 1 month starting from October 11, 2022 to November 11, 2022 at the Sonobudoyo Museum, the compiler drew the conclusion that Jogja deserves to be called a city rich in culture and history. Sonobudoyo Museum is one of them that has its own charm for tourists.  



Enhancing Work Skills through Field Work Practices at Sleman Regency Culture Office: Bridging Theory with Practical Application

Name : Ratri Sakila Omi

Internship Place : Sleman District Culture Department (Kundha Kabudayan)

Date : December 12, 2022 - January 6, 2023

The demands of an increasingly advanced era make human resources more needed, while currently many who are not ready to work on average only know about theory, while skills are still below average. Therefore, in addition to improving knowledge, as a prospective worker it is better to improve his work skills which will be useful in the world of work competition. In addition to introducing students to the work of the chosen agency, students can take many opportunities to optimize their abilities in the field of history to maximize their abilities in the field of history or work that is one domain in the field of history. Thus, Field Work Practices (PKL) are carried out which are activities where students can implement what they have learned during lectures.

The Department of Culture (Kundha Kabudayan) is an implementing element of government affairs in the field of culture and some specialized affairs assigned in the field of culture led by the Head of Service who is domiciled under and responsible to the Regent through the Regional Secretary. The Department of Culture (Kundha Kabudayan) has the task of assisting the Regent in carrying out government affairs and assistance tasks in the field of culture, and some specialized affairs assigned in the field of culture. Activities in the Umpeg Subdivision of the Sleman Regency Culture Department (Kundha Kabudayan):

  1. Correspondence
  2. Agenda Making
  3. File Delivery
  4. Guest Reception
  5. Symbolic Handover of Gamelan and Musical Instrument Grants by the Regent of Sleman
  6. Clean Friday
  7. Routine Morning Attendance

After going through various processes in carrying out PKL / Internship, it can be concluded that in the world of work, high responsibility, accuracy, patience for all work done and discipline in following work regulations and time discipline become our responsibility so that the assigned tasks can be completed properly and on time. Based on the implementation of Field Work Practice activities at the Sleman Regency Culture Office in a period of approximately one month.



Exploring Professional Growth: Internship Insights from Bantul Cultural Office

Name : Hanifah Furaida

Internship Place : Bantul District Culture Department (Kundha Kabudayan)

Date : January 2, 2023 - January 31, 2023

Internship activities are part of job training for students whose supporting material has been studied in the previous semester. This internship activity helps students to be better prepared to face the real world of work and improve the quality of human resources in the form of knowledge, ability to work, and good attitude.

The German language education department requires each student to undergo an internship in government and private agencies as one of the requirements that must be met to complete the Tourismuspraktikum course. The practice of carrying out internships at the Bantul Cultural Office which is located in Complex II, Jl. Lkr. East, Manding, Trirenggo, Bantul, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. Practitioners are placed in the Division of History, Museums, Language and Literature. The field is relevant to the course taken, namely Tourismus.

Internship activities were carried out for one month from January 2 to January 31, 2022 with the following details:

1. Routine Morning Attendance

2. Assisting the administration

3. Assist PJPU administration in matching data and entering CD files.

4. Sorting the archives.

5. Assisting in recapitulating data about the budget from the cultural office for performances.

6. Typing the agenda schedule of spbs activities for the next 3 months

7. Providing supportive data for those who participated in the puppet show.

8. Assisting in the administration and grouping of 2022 budget funds.

Interns have successfully gained tools to improve their soft skills, such as communication, negotiation, cooperation and adaptation skills, such as communication skills, negotiation, cooperation and adaptation to a new environment. In short, the internship activities at the Bantul Regency Cultural Department can be said to be going well.