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The End of Semester Exhibition by the 2021 German Language Education Students of UNY
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YOGYAKARTA (12/06/2023) On Monday, June 12, 2023, the End of Semester Project Exhibition for the 2021 German Language Education Students was held at the Cine Club UNY. This event is a culmination of various courses, namely German Skills, Entrepreneurship, and Introduction to Literary Studies. The event, led by Putri Septiana A. (Class M), Yosefina Wae Dede (Class H), Umi Awaliyah (Class L), and Meira Pratiwi (Class G), was lively with a variety of final project products showcased.
The exhibition was organized as a showcase for the Final Semester Exam (UAS) project works for the German skills, entrepreneurship, and Introduction to Literary Studies courses. However, more than just that, the event also aimed to train students' soft skills and hard skills in this era of 5.0. Soft skills emphasized include creativity, decision-making, collaboration, communication, as well as the use of technology and digitalization in everyday life.
Putri Septiana, one of the event coordinators, explained, "This exhibition is not only to show learning outcomes but also as a platform to hone students' abilities in various aspects of life, including entrepreneurship and communication."
The selection process for the showcased projects was done in groups and consulted with teachers through online platforms, such as Zoom. This demonstrates the collaboration between students and educators in preparing this exhibition. The exhibition was well received by the Head of the German Language Education Department as well as other attending faculty members who visited each student's stand.
The involvement of students in the exhibition content was diverse. For the German skills course, students presented artworks such as paintings accompanied by explanations in bilingual German-English audio accessible in blog form. Meanwhile, for the Introduction to Literary Studies course, they exhibited booklets containing materials in PowerPoint form from class discussions. Lastly, for the entrepreneurship course, students sold innovative products they created, ranging from food to services, such as photography services.
Additionally, Putri stated the reason for choosing the Cine Club as the exhibition location, "The Cine Club was chosen because of its strategic and easily accessible location. Moreover, its spacious room located on the ground floor without stairs makes it suitable for events like this."
With high enthusiasm from the students, the End of Semester Project Exhibition for the 2021 German Language Education Students is expected to be an event that not only showcases learning outcomes but also inspires and motivates participants to continue developing in various aspects of life. (Grisel)
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